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Material on this website is intended to be informational only and is not to be construed as medical advice. The information contained therein is to be used only as referenced material to be considered in conjunction with each individual’s personal plan for mental and physical wellness plans developed under the direct supervision of their health care professionals. Information on this site should not be considered or utilized as a substitute for the guidance of health care professionals. Please consult appropriate healthcare professionals if you are dealing with any acute or chronic health condition.

Delta Health Foundation does not endorse or recommend the providers listed on this website. Ratings and comments on this site come from users who register to use the rate your provider portion of the website not from any Delta Health Foundation employee or board member.

Rate a provider registration. When you register with Delta Health Foundation using our online registration form, we may collect an email address, Member name, real name, password, phone number, zip code and other personal information listed in the registration form. If you create a profile, we may collect additional information from you which will be posted onto your profile Site. You shall determine what information is shared publicly and what information is maintained as private. Your user name (rather than your real name) is used to identify you to other people viewing the site. Therefore, please be aware if you use your real name as your user name, this information may be visible to others on the Site. Delta Health Foundation does not share your information with any third party, we do not sell email addressees, and we do not use the email addresses of users for promotion or advertising.

Delta Health Foundation may contain links through advertising and otherwise, to various third party web sites and other resources. These Linked Entities are not under the control of Delta Health Foundation and Delta Health Foundation is not responsible or liable for the content, communications or materials of any Linked Entities. Delta Health Foundation is providing these links to you as a convenience only. The inclusion of any link does not imply endorsement by Delta Health Foundation. You are responsible for adhering to the applicable terms of service for any Linked Entity. You are solely responsible and liable for any interactions you may have with such entities, their sponsors and other third parties.

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