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Posted on Saturday, August 08 @ 18:20:33 EDT by dhf

Posts from Jill

Saturday August 1, 2009...This month let's feature "10 Secrets for success and Inner Peace" by Dr. Wayne Dyer.
Rumi quote - "Take sips of this pure wine being poured. Don't mind that you've been given a dirty cup." Where ever you are right now is where you are supposed to be - honor the positive - listen - learn.

Sunday August 2, 2009..."Have a mind that is open to everything and attached to nothing." Continue to question why you believe something more than what you believe.

Monday August 3, 2009...To listen does not mean that you accept the messenger, but consider the message and re affirm your beliefs.

Tuesday August 4, 2009...Contrast is good; in thoughts and colors of our world.

Wednesday August 5, 2009...We usually deny or black out what we know little about. We are fearful of what we do not know.

Thursday August 6, 2009..."Don't die with your music still in you". You were born to make a difference - it is no time to be shy.

Friday August 7, 2009...Listen to your heart - your passion; and act on your love in this life. It may not always be rational.

Saturday August 8, 2009...Do not expect to know every answer at once - one experience will lead to another as you trust your personal inspiration.

Sunday August 9, 2009...There is no failure in life - we only have multiple learning experiences - tell me by example if you feel otherwise.

Monday August 10, 2009..."you can't give away what you don't have". Think of this with positive examples as well as negative. Which type of energy flows through you?

Tuesday August 11, 2009...If you find yourself "in a mess" - consider the energy you are contributing to it.

Wednesday August 12, 2009..."Embrace Silence" - when we are talking we are only repeating what we already know.

Thursday August 13, 2009...The psychiatrist in me has learned to listen to what people choose not to say. Listen between the words.

Friday August 14, 2009...I believe you can access a higher understanding of your life by being quiet at times of confusion - this is a skill to practice.

Saturday August 15, 2009...Consider how your "habits" in your daily routine pollute your world. Turn off what you do not really need. Hold the quiet.

Sunday August 16, 2009...Like our hearts - the time in between the beats is so important for cells to recover - perhaps we will understand our brain in the same way soon.

Monday August 17, 2009..."Give up your personal history" - it is only important and to be honored as stepping stone which got you to this now.

Tuesday August 18, 2009...Rumination and justification of our current situation by past problems serves no purpose but to pull good energy away.

Wednesday August 19, 2009...Remember your parents saying "when I was a child" - how helpful was that? Most of times it causes resentment because the then is not the now and never will be.

Thursday August 20, 2009..."You can't solve a problem with the same mind that created it." We often create our own situation by self talk.

Friday August 21, 2009...Again, The consideration of others points of view will often help to refine our thought process - it is not weak to do this.

Saturday August 22, 2009..."There are no justified resentments" - yes we get hurt - shocked - surprised, but continued anger about this only keeps us stuck.

Sunday August 23, 2009...If we compare our negative selves with others' negative selves - who is the "winner of the negative"? I saw you smile.

Monday August 24, 2009..."Treat yourself as if you already are what you'd like to be. - this is not egotistical.

Tuesday August 25, 2009...Bring the future to the now and it will no longer be the future.

Wednesday August 26, 2009..."Treasure your divinity" Albert Einstein said "There are only two ways to live you life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle".

Thursday August 27, 2009..."There is no place that God is not". All religions believe this. Let's begin with what we all have in common.

Friday August 28, 2009...Begin with thankfulness and all else positive will follow. You will fell less pain and listen better.

Saturday August 29, 2009..."Wisdom is avoiding all thoughts that weaken you". You must protect your divine self - think and do good.

Sunday August 30, 2009...If you sense negative energy - remove yourself from the perceived source.

Monday August 31, 2009...You can only change yourself - but what a blessing; because in that - you will change a part of the world.

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